
Flow cytometry laboratory

State-of-the-art facility equipped with cutting-edge technologies to analyze and sort cells based on their properties. Our lab provides researchers with the tools and expertise needed to explore the intricate characteristics of cells, unraveling key insights into various biological processes and advancing our understanding of cancer biology.

Biochemistry laboratory

Well-equipped and dynamic research facility dedicated to investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer. With advanced instrumentation and a team of skilled researchers, we conduct in-depth analyses of biomolecules, studying their structure, function, and interactions to uncover critical insights that can drive the development of targeted therapies and diagnostic tools for improved cancer management.

Tumor hypoxia laboratory

In our Tumor Hypoxia Laboratory, we specialize in studying the complex phenomenon of tumor hypoxia, which plays a crucial role in cancer progression and treatment resistance. Equipped with advanced technologies and specialized methodologies, our lab focuses on unraveling the intricate mechanisms underlying hypoxia-induced changes in tumor biology, aiming to identify novel therapeutic targets and strategies to overcome hypoxia-related challenges in cancer treatment.

Cell culture laboratory

Our Cell Culture Laboratory serves as a vital hub for cultivating and maintaining a wide range of cell lines, allowing us to conduct in-depth experiments and investigations in a controlled environment. Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and adhering to strict quality control measures, our lab provides a conducive space for cell-based research, enabling us to explore fundamental cellular processes, test novel therapies, and advance our understanding of cancer biology.

Collaboration – Mouse facility
Prof. Zbigniew Rogulski Group

Through our collaboration with Prof. Zbigniew Rogulski Group, we have access to a state-of-the-art Mouse Facility, equipped with specialized infrastructure and expertise for the housing, breeding, and experimentation with mouse models. This facility enables us to conduct preclinical studies, evaluate therapeutic interventions, and gain valuable insights into the complex interactions between tumors and the immune system in vivo.